Sunday, September 23, 2007

Why I Write Blogs

...well, it comes around to this. I sat down at the computer and came here and the question just crossed my mind: "Why the @#$% are you typing a buncha !@#$ that no one's gonna read?" So I decided to start typing and see what kind of a response I get from myself. it all started when Silas showed us in class some claymations he made and put up on his blog ( And I thought to myself, "That would be really cool for me to get a blog." So I got one but that's back when I was a freshman and therefore wasn't as intellectually advanced as I am right now. So, after 2 posts it just sat there and I have no idea as to where it is or what website it is. So I have a ghost blog sitting around somewhere and I just resigned up for another one. So, heck.

And then last year, I found myself messing around while I was supposed to be doing homework and thought: "Maybe I should take up blogging again." So here we are now. And why do I type nonsense that no one is reading? (...or are they...?) ...well, I just read my first post on my other blog and it should make sense to you.....(clicka ze herE)

Monday, September 17, 2007

Top Ten Reasons To Procrastinate


First Post of the Second Blog

....hello, fans. This is my second blog, A Long Time Ago There Were No Idiots. The purpose of this blog is....hmm, I'll have to think about that. However, in a sense it is a prequel to my other blog title (Very Soon There Will Be Doom). I like to think of the old times when there weren't idiots; when men like Dwight D. Eisenhower ran the country, and the media fully supported him. Now we've got chowderheads like Hillary Clinton who want to run the country, and George Bush is doing the best he can with what the liberal idiots in congress can give him and yet the media slanders him like crazy. Well, obviously because the liberals control the media.

...say, I am really getting political. I have a liberal advisory label on my other blog.....I think I'll not put one here and shock any liberals who come across this blog.

....and by the way, it is biblical that liberals are wrong; there is a bible verse (I forget which, but I am 300% sure it's in there somewhere) that says those on the left hand side of God will be destroyed.

So that is it for now and enjoy my future ravings